The Box
The Parts
CG 6066-CAW Mid Tower Case 350W Window W/Fan Black
Mach Speed X-Caliber PT800DBP Skt 478 Motherboard
Intel P4 2.8Ghz 512k Cache,400FSB SocN 478
Seagate 200GB EIDE HD 7200/8MB/ATA-100
Ultra 512MB PC3200 DDR 400MHz
XFX GeForce FX 5200 256MB DDR 8X AGP w/ TV & DVI
Creative Labs Sound Blaster Audigy OEM
Artec 16x DVD-ROM Drive Black OEM
Aerocool SilverBlade I Blk Frame/Silver Blade Fan
Speeze P4 (478) Cooling Fan up to 2.8 GHz
Ultra Memory Aluminum Cooler (DDR or SDRAM) Blue
| Parts from
Total Cost: $918.65
August 1st: Construction...but no IDE cable for CD Drive.
August 3rd: Cable arrives...formatted hard drive and installed windows. Reboot and get blank screen.
August 4th: Duh. Take boot disk out. Installed Drivers. Audio card problems.
My previous computer, a IBM Thinkpad T20 was HAL2002, for the computer from 2001: A Space Oddessy and the year I graduated/got the computer. This is so I could install sounds from the movie where it says "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that" and "Good morning, Dave, everything's running fine."
So HAL2004 was not original enough. So I decided to keep the 2001 theme. The laptop wasn't exactly error prone, but the whole renegade computer thing. So what from that movie represents something better? Behold, the one symbol of man's triumph and the advent of technology, I give you...